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ResultSet Class
Extensions methods for IStatement result set rows.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: SQLitePCL.pretty
Assemblies:  SQLitePCL.pretty.Async (in SQLitePCL.pretty.Async.dll) Version: (1.0.0)
  SQLitePCL.pretty (in SQLitePCL.pretty.dll) Version: (1.0.0)
public static class ResultSet

The ResultSet type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberColumns
Returns an IReadOnlyListT of columns from a result set row.
Public methodStatic memberSelectScalar(IObservableIReadOnlyListIResultSetValue)
Selects the value in the first column of the result set row.
Public methodStatic memberSelectScalar(IEnumerableIReadOnlyListIResultSetValue)
Selects the value in the first column of the result set row.
Public methodStatic memberSelectScalarBlob(IObservableIReadOnlyListIResultSetValue)
Selects the value in the first column of the result set row as a Byte array.
Public methodStatic memberSelectScalarBlob(IEnumerableIReadOnlyListIResultSetValue)
Selects the value in the first column of the result set row as a Byte array.
Public methodStatic memberSelectScalarBool(IObservableIReadOnlyListIResultSetValue)
Selects the value in the first column of the result set row as a Boolean.
Public methodStatic memberSelectScalarBool(IEnumerableIReadOnlyListIResultSetValue)
Selects the value in the first column of the result set row as a Boolean.
Public methodStatic memberSelectScalarByte(IObservableIReadOnlyListIResultSetValue)
Selects the value in the first column of the result set row as a Byte.
Public methodStatic memberSelectScalarByte(IEnumerableIReadOnlyListIResultSetValue)
Selects the value in the first column of the result set row as a Byte.
Public methodStatic memberSelectScalarDateTime(IObservableIReadOnlyListIResultSetValue)
Selects the value in the first column of the result set row as a DateTime.
Public methodStatic memberSelectScalarDateTime(IEnumerableIReadOnlyListIResultSetValue)
Selects the value in the first column of the result set row as a DateTime.
Public methodStatic memberSelectScalarDateTimeOffset(IObservableIReadOnlyListIResultSetValue)
Selects the value in the first column of the result set row as a DateTimeOffset.
Public methodStatic memberSelectScalarDateTimeOffset(IEnumerableIReadOnlyListIResultSetValue)
Selects the value in the first column of the result set row as a DateTimeOffset.
Public methodStatic memberSelectScalarDecimal(IObservableIReadOnlyListIResultSetValue)
Selects the value in the first column of the result set row as a Decimal.
Public methodStatic memberSelectScalarDecimal(IEnumerableIReadOnlyListIResultSetValue)
Selects the value in the first column of the result set row as a Decimal.
Public methodStatic memberSelectScalarDouble(IObservableIReadOnlyListIResultSetValue)
Selects the value in the first column of the result set row as a Double.
Public methodStatic memberSelectScalarDouble(IEnumerableIReadOnlyListIResultSetValue)
Selects the value in the first column of the result set row as a Double.
Public methodStatic memberSelectScalarFloat(IObservableIReadOnlyListIResultSetValue)
Selects the value in the first column of the result set row as a Single.
Public methodStatic memberSelectScalarFloat(IEnumerableIReadOnlyListIResultSetValue)
Selects the value in the first column of the result set row as a Single.
Public methodStatic memberSelectScalarGuid(IObservableIReadOnlyListIResultSetValue)
Selects the value in the first column of the result set row as a Guid.
Public methodStatic memberSelectScalarGuid(IEnumerableIReadOnlyListIResultSetValue)
Selects the value in the first column of the result set row as a Guid.
Public methodStatic memberSelectScalarInt(IObservableIReadOnlyListIResultSetValue)
Selects the value in the first column of the result set row as a Int32.
Public methodStatic memberSelectScalarInt(IEnumerableIReadOnlyListIResultSetValue)
Selects the value in the first column of the result set row as a Int32.
Public methodStatic memberSelectScalarInt64(IObservableIReadOnlyListIResultSetValue)
Selects the value in the first column of the result set row as a Int64.
Public methodStatic memberSelectScalarInt64(IEnumerableIReadOnlyListIResultSetValue)
Selects the value in the first column of the result set row as a Int64.
Public methodStatic memberSelectScalarSByte(IObservableIReadOnlyListIResultSetValue)
Selects the value in the first column of the result set row as a SByte.
Public methodStatic memberSelectScalarSByte(IEnumerableIReadOnlyListIResultSetValue)
Selects the value in the first column of the result set row as a SByte.
Public methodStatic memberSelectScalarShort(IObservableIReadOnlyListIResultSetValue)
Selects the value in the first column of the result set row as a Int16.
Public methodStatic memberSelectScalarShort(IEnumerableIReadOnlyListIResultSetValue)
Selects the value in the first column of the result set row as a Int16.
Public methodStatic memberSelectScalarString(IObservableIReadOnlyListIResultSetValue)
Selects the value in the first column of the result set row as a String.
Public methodStatic memberSelectScalarString(IEnumerableIReadOnlyListIResultSetValue)
Selects the value in the first column of the result set row as a String.
Public methodStatic memberSelectScalarTimeSpan(IObservableIReadOnlyListIResultSetValue)
Selects the value in the first column of the result set row as a TimeSpan.
Public methodStatic memberSelectScalarTimeSpan(IEnumerableIReadOnlyListIResultSetValue)
Selects the value in the first column of the result set row as a TimeSpan.
Public methodStatic memberSelectScalarUInt16(IObservableIReadOnlyListIResultSetValue)
Selects the value in the first column of the result set row as a UInt16.
Public methodStatic memberSelectScalarUInt16(IEnumerableIReadOnlyListIResultSetValue)
Selects the value in the first column of the result set row as a UInt16.
Public methodStatic memberSelectScalarUInt32(IObservableIReadOnlyListIResultSetValue)
Selects the value in the first column of the result set row as a UInt32.
Public methodStatic memberSelectScalarUInt32(IEnumerableIReadOnlyListIResultSetValue)
Selects the value in the first column of the result set row as a UInt32.
Public methodStatic memberSelectScalarUri(IObservableIReadOnlyListIResultSetValue)
Selects the value in the first column of the result set row as a Uri.
Public methodStatic memberSelectScalarUri(IEnumerableIReadOnlyListIResultSetValue)
Selects the value in the first column of the result set row as a Uri.
See Also